A Queen's Opinion Podcast
A Queen’s Opinion is a podcast that allows people, especially women, to think aloud about life situations and seek an opinion without being judged. No more thinking about or questioning a situation by yourself. Ask the Queen.
A Queen's Opinion Podcast
The Essence of Kindness
Have you ever wondered what truly defines a kind heart? Join me, Queen, as we explore the multifaceted nature of kindness in our latest episode. We'll unpack the essence of having a kind heart and how qualities like quality, friendliness, generosity, and consideration paint a vivid picture of kindness in our daily lives. Imagine the unspoken joy of receiving more than you ever expected from a friend or the warmth of a shared laugh that transcends the toughest of days. This episode promises to shed light on how these virtues shape not only our lives but also the lives of those around us, enriching our relationships and building a more compassionate world.
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Speaker 2:Welcome to a Queen's Opinion. My name is Queen, my voice, my opinion and your listening ears. My voice, my opinion and your listening ears. This episode is called Kindness.
Speaker 2:What is kindness to you? Have you ever heard the old saying this person has a kind heart. What does that mean exactly? Having a kind heart, what is kindness to you? According to the dictionary, kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. When I think of a person as being kind-hearted, it means that they have done something for another person without being prompted to or asked to do something for someone. This understanding leads us back to having a kind heart. Someone who is kind-hearted is a person that's going to go the extra mile for someone else. They have a feeling of love for others and want to show their understanding, sympathy, empathy and love for that person that needs kindness in their situation. The dictionary gave us four words to describe kindness Quality, friendly, generous and considerate. To fully understand this definition, we must understand the four words used to describe kindness.
Speaker 2:First, let's start with quality. When I think of the word quality, I think of the substance that make up a person or product, for example, the quality of dresses, pants, cars, shoes and even your house. When we go to purchase these types of items, we think about the quality of the products used in the creation of it. The last thing we want to do is purchase a lemon. You know the dressed up, pretty item, but underneath, when you get down to it, it's just a piece of junk. Yeah, that's the lemon. It's a lemon because it leaves a sour taste in our mouth regarding that product and even the merchant you purchased it from.
Speaker 2:So I seek out quality friends. Well, how do you seek out quality friends? You must ask yourself are you a quality friend? If yes, then you can measure others against your quality as a friend. In the dictionary it says quality is the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind, the degree of excellence of something, of excellence of something. Take me as an example of this concept. I consider myself a quality friend because I make myself available to help others, listen to others, offer suggestions, give gifts of kindness. In my actions towards others, I know if my friend needs a prayer, I am praying with them and for them. So for me to consider you a friend of quality, you must measure up against me and my other quality friends in my life.
Speaker 2:Next let's discuss friendliness itself. According to the dictionary, friendly means kind and pleasant, pleasant, giving a sense of happy, satisfaction or enjoyment. If your friends bring you happiness and enjoyment in life, then consider them friendly in life. Then consider them friendly. When you are with your friends and you can sit around and talk about anything that's happening in your life or in the world as a whole and you can find joy in that conversation and you are laughing and smiling, then you have a good friend. A good friend is going to show you there is goodness, happiness and peace at the end of any tough situation. They're going to show you that it may look bad right now, it may feel bad right now, but when we work through this situation we are going to have the last laugh and a glass of champagne honey to top it off. Your friend is going to show you life has more to offer than sadness on a rainy day.
Speaker 2:Up next to discuss is generosity. According to the dictionary, generosity is showing a willingness to give more of something, such as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. Have you ever received more from a person than you expected from them? Let's say, for example, one of your friends offered to babysit for you so that you can attend an important meeting or event. Or maybe your child was up for an award at school and a friend donated money, time, clothing or food for the event and you were not expecting them to do that on your child's behalf. Or could it even be something like your children gave you a gift that you never thought would be given to you by anyone. Maybe your child took you out for lunch or dinner at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city and it was not planned. These are acts of generosity. When someone is giving more of themselves to you through their acts of generosity than you expected to you through their acts of generosity than you expected. We need to thank these people in our lives and return the generosity. Lastly, let's break down being considerate. This is a word that we need to practice more in our daily lives.
Speaker 2:According to the dictionary, being considerate means being careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others. Sometimes we can hurt others with our words and our actions. We are not being considerate of how it may make the other person feel. We have called people out their names, which is not considered nice by anyone. We have said things about others that have caused them hurt and shame. We have been late to places that we have been invited to, causing an inconvenience for the person hosting the event. Because you were late, they may have delayed what was happening and you never considered the act of your consequences.
Speaker 2:Overall, there are four types of kindness according to everydayhealthcom. One kin kindness, or being kind to your family. Two mutualism, or being kind to members of your community. Three reciprocal altruism, or being kind to those you'll meet again. Four competitive altruism being kind to others when it enhances your status. We all have used these types of kindness in our everyday walk of life. Being kind to others when it enhances your status we all have used these types of kindness in our everyday walk of life.
Speaker 2:Kindness should be natural for us to do and we should never feel forced or obligated to be kind. It should be part of our nature to want to be kind to all that we interact with in life. Kindness is one of those qualities that, without even thinking about it, you automatically start out with kindness towards another person. It is only when we have been hurt that our kindness turns into something else, that our kindness turns into something else. We choose to be kind or we can choose to be unkind to another person. I choose to be kind because I want to be treated with kindness. Therefore, I treat others with kindness. You never know how treating someone with kindness may give them another opinion about you. Being kind to someone else can change their day around and you can impact them and show them how to be kind and in turn, they may show kindness to someone else.
Speaker 2:What is kindness to you? Is it someone doing something for you that makes you think that person is kind, or is it the actions that the person does for you or towards you that deems them kind? Can you be kind just by words spoken from your mouth? Can you just be kind by actions towards another? Is kindness a word of action? The dictionary says kindness is a noun, and we all know that a noun is a person, place or thing. So can kindness be a verb, verb, a word used to describe an action? I am not an English teacher, honey, and I am not here to teach anybody about grammar. I am here to just ask questions and provide an opinion.
Speaker 3:For me, kindness is everything the dictionary says it means which is that kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Being friendly, generous and considerate we realized that many of you are on the go and listen to podcasts through your phones or in the car, so we wanted to make contacting the Queen easier. You can now send a text. Yes, you can text the show right from your phone. Try it right now, today. Send your feedback about this episode or any episode that you have listened to over the months.
Speaker 2:We can't wait to hear back from you. A Queen's Opinion is a podcast that allows people, especially women, to think out loud about life situations and seek an opinion without being judged. This podcast is supposed to lift you up, encourage you to be the best person you can be, to inspire you to step out of your comfort zone and into your queen zone. I didn't say my opinion will solve your problems. I am not saying that I am right, but what I am saying is I'm going to give you another view of the situation from a distance. No more thinking or questioning a situation by yourself. Ask the queen. Go to our website, wwwaquingsopinioncom and click on. Get in touch to leave your feedback or leave a question for the queen. Don't forget to like us wherever you get your podcasts. Thank you for taking time out of your day. I hope you join me for our next episode. Until then, goodbye.